e Blumes Art Publishing Ltd。(当然有了,这位路易·;那是布鲁斯艺术公司今年力推的画家)。”那云青转头看时,布鲁斯已经站在了身旁。
“Hi, Buk, You are first again! (哈!布克!你又抢先了一步!)”
“Hi, Rudolph, Buddy, Very Pleasure See you again here! (你好!鲁道夫!老朋友,咱们又见面了!)”原来布鲁斯和这位叫鲁道夫的画商是老相识了。
俩人寒喧过后,鲁道夫将五幅画的定金开了张支票交给了布鲁斯,说:“Artist Louis’ painting is absorbing and lovely。 I want to let him paint a fresco for my house。 Could you arrange it? (这位叫路易的画家,画画的很有灵气,我想请他到我的庄园画一张厅内的壁画,不知你可否安排一下?)”
“Sure, My Pleasure。 But it could be after the show, May I call you back when I make the schedule? (我很乐意为你安排,不过需要等这次的展览过后,我再打电话通知你具体的时间,你看如何?)”布鲁斯答道。
“OK, No problem, Call me back as soon as possible。 (当然没问题了,那我就恭候佳音了。)”鲁道夫说完扭身向那云青点头示意,便离开了展厅。
待送走了鲁道夫,布鲁斯拿出了两份合约,笑着对那云青说:“Hi, Louis, Congratulations! Only one hour, We have sold 8 painting out, that means your painting is worth for collection。 Do you remember we said the contract, here it is, if no problem, We’d like to sign the contract with you。 (嗨!路易!恭喜你!现在开展刚刚一个多小时,你的画已经卖出了八幅,这说明你的画很受欢迎,
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