第二天,在约定的时间,那云青和慕阳将设计好的六个图案交到了金经理的手中。金经理非常喜欢慕阳的设计,他一边用白色的T恤比衬着图案一边赞道:“Moon,Your Design is perfect, it’s so different and special, you use the Eastern culture in the Western style。 See, These four of your design is my best favorite。 Uh……Well, I will send you designs to our general office later, they will give me their decisions。 So You’re better to paint your each design on T…Shirts and Tomorrow, same time you back again, I think I could give you an answer at that time。 Of course, I hope I can give you a good news。 (慕,你设计的图案非常好,不仅新颖而且独到,即有西方人的风格,又融入了东方人的神韵,其中这四个图案我最喜欢了。嗯……这六个图案我一会儿就会派人送到总公司去,如何抉择由总公司定,而你最好能将每个图案都画在T-Shirt上,明天还是这个时间,你们带着画好的衣服来,我想就应该有决定了。我希望能给你们好的消息啊。)”
“Ok, no problem。 And then we will back tomorrow。 (没问题。那我们明天再来)。”慕阳笑着接过了金经理递过来的白色T…shirt。
“Oh, anyway, Do you have a factory? I mean, You should have a factory if y
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