,站在他面前,摆出架势,调了下弦,清清嗓子,“James Blunt,you're beautiful。”
my life is brilliantmy love is purei saw an angle of that i'm sureshe smile on the subwayshe was with another manbut i won't lose no sleep on that cause i've got a planyou're beautifulyou're beautifulyou're beautifulit's turei saw your facein a crowded placeand i don't know what to docause i'll never be with youyes she caught my eyeas she walked on byshe could see from my facethat i was fucking high and idon't think that i would see her again butwe shared the moment that will last till the endyou're beautifulyou're beautifulyou're beautifulit's turei saw your facein a crowded placeand i don't know what to docause i'll never be with you……
James Blunt的嗓音比较尖细高亢,谢飞第一次听到的时候很不感冒,听得多了,反而越来越觉得好。谢飞的嗓子比较沉厚,本来不适合唱这歌,可是他这会儿巧妙的改了改调,用blues的风格唱出来,反而别有一番风味。白玉堂很认真的听着,身子甚至微微后仰,双手交叉起来抱着手臂。
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