and strang an' respectfu's his bag,
the maist o' the lairds wi' him stand;
nae gipsy-like nominal barons,
roperty's paper—not land.
and there, frae the niddisdale borders,
the maxwells will gather in droves,
teugh jockie, staunch geordie, an' wellwood,
that griens for the fishes and loaves;
and there will be heron, the major,
wha'll ne'er be fot in the greys;
our flatt'ry we'll keep for some other,
him, only it's justice to praise.
and there will be maiden kilkerran,
and also barskimming's gude knight,
and there will be roarin birtwhistle,
yet luckily roars i' the right.
and there'll be stamp office johnie,
(tak tent how ye purchase a dram!)
and there will be gay cassencarry,
and there'll be gleg el tam.
and there'l
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