l be wealthy young richard,
dame fortune should hing by the neck,
fal, thriftless bestowing—
his merit had won him respect.
and there will be rich brother nabobs,
(tho' nabobs, yet men not the worst,)
and there will be collieston's whiskers,
and quintin—a lad o' the first.
thehe chaste i hton
and hey! for the blessin's 'twill bring;
it may send balmaghie to the ons,
in sodom 'twould make him a king;
and hey! for the sanctified murray,
our land wha wi' chapels has stor'd;
he founder'd his horse among harlots,
but gied the auld naig to the lord.
ballad third
john bushby's lamentation.
tune—“babes in the wood.”
'twas in the seventeen hunder year
o' grace, and y-five,
that year i was the wae'est man
of ony ma
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