n alive.
in march the three-an'-tweh morn,
the sun raise clear an' bright;
but oh! i was a waefu' man,
ere to-fa' o' the night.
yerl galloway lang did rule this land,
wi' equal right and fame,
and thereto was his kinsmen join'd,
the murray's noble name.
yerl galloway's man o' men was i,
and chief hton's host;
so twa blind beggars, on a string,
the faithfu' tyke will trust.
but now yerl galloway's sceptre's broke,
and broughton's wi' the slain,
and i my a craft may try,
sin' hoy is gane.
'twas by the banks o' bonie dee,
beside kirkcudbright's towers,
the stewart and the murray there,
did muster a' their powers.
then murray on the auld grey yaud,
wi' winged spurs did ride,
that auld grey yaud a
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