With my little dish, 我取走他的血,
I caught his blood。 用我的小碟子。
Who'll make his shroud?谁来做寿衣?
I,said the Beetle, 是我,甲虫说,
With my thread and needle, 我将为他做寿衣,
I'll make the shroud。 用我的针和线。
Who'll dig his grave?谁来挖坟墓?
I,said the Owl, 是我,猫头鹰说,
With my pick and shovel, 我将为他挖坟墓,
I'll dig his grave。 用我的凿子和铲子。
Who'll be the person?谁来当牧师?
I,said the Rook, 是我,乌鸦说,
With my little book, 我将为他当牧师,
I'll be the person。 用我的小本子。
Who'll be the clerk?谁来当执事?
I,said the Lark, 是我,云雀说,
If it's not in the dark, 如果不是在暗处,
I'll be the clerk。 我将当执事。
Who'll carry the link?谁拿火炬来?
I,said the Lin, 是我,红雀说,
I'll fetch it in a minute, 我将拿它片刻,
I'll carry the link。 我将拿火炬来。
Who'll be chief mourner?谁来当主祭?
I,said the Dove, 是我,鸽子说,
I mourn for my love, 我将当主祭,
I'll be chief mourner。 为吾爱哀悼。
Who'll carry the coffin?谁来抬棺?
I,said the Kite, 是我,鸢说,
If it's not through the night, 若不经过夜晚,
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