4.见我的文章Themes for a Social History of War ExperiendCollaboration, in The Politics of Retribution in Europe: World War II and Its Aftermath,ed.Istvan Deaacute;k,Jan T.Gross,and Tony Judt(Prion: Prion Uy Press,2000),pp.23ndash;32。
5.Istvan Deaacute;k,Introdu, in Deaacute;k,Gross,and Judt,The Politics ofRetribution in Europe,p.4.
6.Heda Margolius Kovaly,Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague,1941ndash;1968(NewYork: Holmes and Meier,1997),p.45.
7.想要了解关于相关主题的一般讨论,参见我的著作 Polish Societyunder German OccupationGeneralgouver,1939ndash;1944(Prion: PrionUy Press,1979)。
8.Norman Davies,Gods Playground: A History of Poland(New York: biaUy Press,1982).
9.在此前的一部研究著作中,我已质疑过在波兰史学中对这个主题的普遍的刻板印象,参见 Upiorna dekada.Trzy eseje o stereotypaa temat?ydoacute;w,Polakoacute;w,Niemcoacute;w,i komunistoacute;w(Cracow: Uas,1998)。本书有英译删节版:A Tangled Web: fronting Stereotypes ing the Relatioween Poles,Germans,Jews,and unists, in Deaacute;k,Gross,and Jud
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